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The Group Excursion


Embark on the journey of a lifetime. Your lifetime. Experience how the power of your past and future can transform who you are today.

A 12-week group coaching program guiding you on a transformative journey to deeper self-compassion, confidence, and creative imagination.

"Mike Iskandar has created an extraordinary experience. I have seen students of all ages marvel at their younger selves and get excited about what the future might bring." -Henry W.


Join the Next Masterclass 
A free 60-min experience to jumpstart your self compassion, self confidence, and self awareness 

  • Experience an innovative personal development program helping over 10,000 people

  • Snap out of the burnout and disengagement of a collective post-Pandemic funk

  • Discover an uplifting new perspective on yourself and your life

  • Awaken your childlike sense of imagination, creativity, curiosity, innocence, and joy

  • Spark a new sense of optimism and excitement for your future 

  • Get a jump (and discount) on joining the next Time Travel Journeys Group Excursion in January. 

Select a Master Class Date

Thanks! Details are on the way! 

"Where does the time go!"

Ever find yourself asking that question? On auto-pilot, wondering where the last 10 years went and what you really want to be when you grow up. 

Ever notice the stress
 and frantic pace of the present time disconnecting you from your true self, the important people in your life, and your highest purpose? 


In the midst of a global mental health crisis, are you looking for a new approach to this thing called life? 

Ponder the Power of Time Travel

Imagine if you could just hit a pause button, hop in a time machine, and time travel . . .  

to your past, back to those younger versions of you, filled with imagination, creativity, curiosity, ambition, and unshakeable wonder. 

And into your
 future, to those wiser, older versions of you, living out your greatest dreams, goals, and aspirations, building the legacy you'll leave behind. 


Introducing ...
A TEDx-Featured Experience

that blows the walls off traditional personal development programs by guiding you on a

unlocking the dormant, untapped gems of your past and future that can uplift your present self.

"I often think the best lessons and trainings are the ones that stick with me and pop back in my mind from time to time. Your Time Travel Journey is one of those kinds of learning experiences. I have found myself thinking about my "selves" in various contexts, bringing up your challenges in conversations, and generally feeling inspired and interested." -Wheatley M

The Roadmap

Interested in Joining?  

Each Journey Includes:

  • 1 Time Travel Kit (items of nostalgia and inspiration) mailed to you ... top secret ;-)

  • 8 live activity-centered group Zoom calls

  • 1 individual deep dive session

  • Ongoing weekly group support

  • Surprise personalized challenges 

  • 5 clear, organized phases:

1) Launch: your Journey, your Time Machine
2) Past: who was I?
3) Future: who will I become?

4) Present: who am I?
5) Landing: celebration and next steps 


Join the Next Time Travel Journeys Masterclass 
A free 60-min experience to jumpstart your self compassion, self confidence, and self awareness 

  • Experience an innovative personal development program helping over 10,000 people

  • Snap out of the burnout and disengagement of a collective post-Pandemic funk

  • Discover an uplifting new perspective on yourself and your life

  • Awaken your childlike sense of imagination, creativity, curiosity, innocence, and joy

  • Spark a new sense of optimism and excitement for your future 

  • Get a jump (and discount) on joining the next Time Travel Journeys Group Excursion in January. 

Select a Master Class Date

Thanks! Details are on the way! 

An education consultant named Craig time-traveled with me. Check out the highlights below. 

Benefits that Stick

An experience that jolts you out of your ordinary routine and empowers you to . . .

  • Re-awaken valuable gifts and qualities

  • Heal old wounds

  • Push past limiting beliefs

  • Deepen your self-compassion

  • Appreciate your own resilience

  • Boost your self-confidence and optimism 

  • Clarify your next steps and long-term path

  • Increase your self awareness

  • Add an element of surprise, spontaneity, and delight to your weekly routine

  • Connect with like-minded truth-seekers who will support you and be supported by you on this journey of self-exploration, self-discovery, and self-development.

Interested in joining the next Journey?

Your Time Travel Attendant
TEDx Speaker and Published Author

Approaching age 40, Mike Iskandar found himself asking that perplexing question, "Where did the time go?!" 

Instead of just asking it
, he decided to answer it--by spending a year interviewing 40 people from ages 1 to 40 about what life is like at their age.  

That magical journey revealed the combined power of past reflection and future visioning, which l
ed to the creation of Time Travel Journeys. (To watch the TEDx Talk, CLICK HERE)  

When he's not time traveling
, he's air traveling as a flight attendant and culture ambassador for Southwest Airlines.

Mike's airline profession and appetite for adventure have led him to over 40 countries across 6 continents, and into the depths of silent meditation retreats, 22-mile ultra-runs, cold plunges, and other transformative experiences.

Wanna talk time travel with Mike?  

This journey allows us to see our experiences more clearly and realize that, even as youngsters, we were able to hold onto to a purity of heart that carried us through.  It shows us that that part of us is still alive and well and can be nurtured to help us today and into the future.  

Carm, Al-Anon Group Facilitator

Let's chat about a Time Travel Journey for you!

Mike Iskandar

Copyright @Mike Iskandar LLC 2019-2023 

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