Time Travel Journeys provides wellness and treatment organizations with a meaningful healing experience that enables members to connect more deeply to themselves and their loved ones.
"Fantastic, insightful, inspiring, and deeply profound! Mike, you've shown the way to a better way!"
-Terri Lonowski, Founder, Soulful Listening
"The problems this program addresses are how we see the past as something to forget due to...
-Experiences that made us feel small
-Shame and blame that carried into our adult lives
-Old beliefs that are no longer true today.
This journey allows us to see those experiences more clearly and realize that, even as youngsters, we were able to hold onto a purity of heart that carried us through.
It also points us in the direction of looking to the future to model ourselves on a better me rather than on someone else. Most importantly, it teaches us to use our past and our future to remain in the present as a better me."
-Carmen Dempsey, Al-Anon Facilitator
How It Works as a Recovery Tool
The Time Travel Journeys Recovery Workshop is like a road trip through the past, present, and future. Whether it's a few hours or a few weeks, this guided exploration uses a variety of engaging activities and challenges to connect participants more deeply to the best versions of themselves and each other.
Each Journey is structured in 5 key phases:
1) Launch (Prepare for liftoff!)
2) Past (Who was I?)
3) Future (Who will I become?)
4) Present (Who am I now?)
5) Landing (Completing the journey)