We provide a space for Mike to describe what goes on in TTJ seminars in senior centers! TTJ uses innovative SEL programs that empower professionals to transform their self doubt, anxiety, and isolation into self compassion, self confidence, and social connection.
So, What is a Time Travel Journey?
Think of it like a road trip scavenger hunt through your past, present, and future.
From 3-hour workshops to 3-month classes, this guided exploration leverages a variety of engaging activities and challenges that connect participants to themselves and others.
Who was I?
Awaken the imagination, creativity, curiosity, simplicity, and playfulness of your younger selves.
Who will I become?
Use those childlike qualities to envision the goals and dreams of your older selves.
Who am I now?
Integrate the discoveries of your past and future selves into who you are today.
Who are we?
Create deeper connections along the way as you share your journey and support others on theirs.