Speaking & Media
Looking for an inspiring, entertaining, and enlightening speaker with a vast collection of corny dad jokes? (Ooh ooh pick me!)
I've been a speaker for over 40 years; dating back to age 1, when I stood on stage (my crib) in front of a small crowd (my parents) and eloquently said, "Googoo-gaga" (translation: "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back.").
Since those humble beginnings, I've spoken in front of classrooms, school communities, corporate conferences, sports teams, over 100,000 airline passengers, and a TEDx audience of millions.
Check out the links below to see some past speaking engagements and media appearances.
-TEDx Talk: My Other Car is a Time Machine, a Journey Back to Self Compassion
-Keynote Speech: Corporate Conference
-Promotional Video: 40/40 Vision Project
-Podcast Guest: Helping Kids Learn Self Compassion (Trending in Education)
-Podcast Guest: Episode 8 of the 'just Steve' podcast
-Podcast Guest: Reimagining Your Program to Scale
-Podcast Guest: Time Travel Journeys for Personal Growth & Healing
"I'm blown away by this Ted talk! It really hit home for me and took me on such an emotional ride. I laughed out loud, cried, and questioned my own life. It's probably the most genuine and authentic talk I've heard. All ages could really benefit from this program. Thanks for sharing!"