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for Carolina Friends School


Explore your
past, present, and future to discover the best of who you are

Program Offerings:

Student Workshop (5 weeks)

Adult Extended Learning Workshop (5 weeks)
Family Workshop (5 weeks)
Company Team-Building / Professional Dev
1-on-1 Coaching (for students or adults)

Each offering includes a blend of creative writing, hands-on challenges, thought-provoking discussion, captivating community interviews, and a spirit of compassion and connection.

Leveraging the power of Past Reflection and Future Visioning, this unique self development experience inspires you to... 

1) Awaken and appreciate the most powerful qualities and experiences of your youth that can serve you today (turning self doubt into self compassion).

2) Connect you to your ideal Future Self and all the dreams and aspirations that excite and motivate you today (turning anxiety into confidence and optimism).

3) Identify how your past & future can unlock a higher version of your present self (turning isolation & depression into meaningful connection with self, peers, parents, teachers, and community). 

Past Reflection + Future Visioning = Present Transformation

Thanks, talk to you soon! 

Click Play to hear from Mike!

Interested? Sign up below and let's chat!

"Mike Iskandar has created an extraordinary experience. I have watched students of all ages marvel at their younger selves and get excited about what the future might bring."

-Henry Walker, 52-year educator, Carolina Friends School

Hi Friends, I'm Mike. Nice to meet you!


After nearly 3 decades in the Friends community (learning, teaching, coaching), I interviewed 40 Friends Schoolers from ages 1 to 40 about life at their age. 

The result? An innovative approach to self development and community building that is helping Friends School Communities transform self doubt, anxiety, & isolation into self compassion, self confidence, and social connection.  

This is a Friends School program at its core--rooted in values of self reflection, social impact, community, and the pursuit of truth. The combination of past reflection and future visioning make this a unique learning experience. 

I LOVE guiding CFS students, adults, families and work teams on custom Time Travel Journeys that deepen our connection internally to ourselves and externally to each other. Register above to learn more and I'll talk to you soon!


Praise for Time Travel Journeys

“Mike put an incredible amount of time and personalized attention in maintaining communication with the kids, their families and the surrounding community. This project is deeply grounded in learner self-efficacy and reflection, and Mike’s creativity and passion as both a designer and a teacher powerfully shine through.” -CFS Parent

“A walk down memory lane. I felt those heartwarming emotions I experienced as a child.”

-Education Consultant, Advanced Learning Partnerships

"Wonderfully organized. I was not sure what to expect. It was so empowering. The exercises were perfect for the time allowed. They were successful at allowing me to merge past, present, and future ... this has helped me in ways that I never could have imagined." -Al-Anon member

“Thinking about my past and my vision for the future helps me see parts of myself that are sometimes hidden from me in the present moment. I want to celebrate my determination because even when things are hard, I somehow find a way to get through them.” -CFS Student

“Reliving my toddler years was like digging deep into the ground and finding gold. Realizing how valuable that time of life is.” -CFS Student 

“This class has given us a lot of opportunities to reminisce about my son’s wonderful qualities... Most importantly, he and I talked about his struggles as a little guy and how they were not his fault but just the way he was developing at the time. Thank you for this opportunity to connect with our boy!.” -CFS Parent

"You have a really comfortable way of connecting with your audience. I often think that the best lessons and trainings are the ones that stick with me and pop back in my mind from time to time. Your Time Travel Journey is one of those kinds of learning experiences. I have found myself thinking about my "selves" in various contexts, bringing up your challenges in conversations, and generally feeling inspired and interested." -Wheatley Moylan, education consultant, Advanced Learning Partnerships

Check out the Time Travel Journeys TEDx Talk!


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